Lori Luedtke has beaten Glioblastoma (brain cancer)! Find out more about her amazing journey, recovery and advocacy for a cure.

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Lori’s recovery was through her treatment at Moffitt Cancer Center. Here is her story with this incredible center.

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Lori’s Blog

Find out more about how Lori found strength and inspiration to go through the recovery process through friends, faith and expert medical counceling and treatment.

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Lori’s Testimony

On December 31st, 2011, I married the man of my dreams, Danny Aranowitz. Although he is not a believer in Jesus Christ I knew I was in his life for a reason. I was to show him the way. In February we had a wedding celebration at our home. In March we went on our honeymoon, highway 1 in California. My husband planned such an amazing and romantic trip, beautiful scenery, great food and great wine tasting, and simply enjoying each other.
At the time, I had been studying Revelations at home with a group of girls. It was very hard for me to study this and know that my husband would not have eternal life. One night, as Danny and I were talking, I prophesized to him that he was going to wake up one day and I wouldn’t be laying next to him. Of course he said, “Don’t be ridiculous!” I told him that something very serious was going to happen to him and he was going to drop to his knees and ask for the Lord’s help. Little did I know.
In May of 2012, my life turned upside-down...

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